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Practical guide

about PPAs for

end consumers

Reviewing a PPA offer can always appear on your to-do list.
It will happen very soon, because producers are already proposing very diverse and innovative offers for the Romanian market.
The complexity of a PPA requires a thorough understanding of the concept.
PPA is becoming a viable alternative for purchasing electricity.

We provide you with a compact material for free, through which we simply explain the basic concepts and implications of PPAs.
Allocate 4 minutes, even from your phone, press the "Discover" button and at the end you will have the opportunity to have understood the concept of PPA and to have realized what you need to be prepared for soon.
In exchange for what is offered, all we ask is that you answer - even anonymously - a few questions, which do not ask for confidential information. The generated results and conclusions will not be sold, but only used strictly internally to adapt the services.

We assume responsibility for the processing of the information obtained, in accordance with the data privacy policy.

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