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milion lei
optimization of the costs already contracted by a consumer
milion lei
savings achieved by recommending a customer to opt out of the additional round of offers (bullish market)
milion MWh
aggregated annual electricity and natural gas consumptions of our partners

Vice President of ACCER
Member of the Advisory Council of ANRE, the Romanian energy regulator (voluntary & non-political)
Board Member of IFIEC Europe

Theodor Livinschi, Managing & Founding Partner
local and international companies, industrial and commercial

Reducing costs and securing purchase conditions

Confidence in substantiating and decision-making

Displacement of time resources for other important duties

Decisive contribution to sustainability targets
This is the cost of the most complex service package, which turns into a benefit, compared to the negotiated price of electricity or natural gas
Considerably less than how much you would lose by not tracking the right timing of the purchase, not observing the wholesale trend during the RFQ or not securing the supply contract thoroughly
Energy procurement is no longer a simple activity, involving numerous risks and opportunities
We acknowledge the positive evolution of the buyer role for energy
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